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How to Choose Sewing Fabric For Your Pattern

how to choose sewing fabric for your pattern

How to choose sewing fabric for your pattern to sew your own fashion garment is probably the most important step in sewing your garment.

There are several factors to consider in making your decision; but overall, most of you want your garment to resemble the picture on the pattern envelope.  The envelope back contains much more information than the front.  It details everything you will need to make each view shown on the envelope front.

how to choose sewing fabrichow to choose sewing fabric

Recommended fabrics for design

Different pattern companies show a variety of information on the envelope back, but most importantly is the yardage block. The yardage block on the back of the pattern lists exact amounts of fabrics needed for each view, depending on the width of the fabric and the size you are making.  The fabrics listed are recommendations of fabric types most suited for the pattern design.

To avoid disappointment, it’s best to stick with the fabrics recommended by the designer that’s listed on the back of the pattern envelope.  If you choose a different fabric from the ones listed, it can dramatically change the look of the finished garment.

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Choosing Fabric to Sew

Reading labels for sewing fabrics

When shopping for sewing fabrics for your pattern, check for fabric cautions or restrictions to be sure the fabric you have in mind is not “off limits.”  This could make your sewing project more difficult, but not impossible.  Always, always be sure to read the label at the end of the bolt for the fiber content, fabric width and care instructions before you make the purchase.  You cannot tell what a fabric is made of by looking at it or by touching it.  That’s why it is so important to read the information provided by law on the label.

how to choose sewing fabrichow to choose sewing fabrichow to choose sewing fabric


Apply the rules of how to choose sewing fabric for every garment project

On occasion, you may start out with a fabric that you can not live without and need to find the perfect pattern, but follow the guidelines you read here on how to choose sewing fabrics for your pattern.  You may need a different pattern if the fabric is not on the suggested fabrics list.

Whether you have fallen in love with a pattern and need fabric, or you’ve fallen in love with a fabric and need to find the perfect pattern, this video walks you through the process.


Here’s the video:

Thelma Horton

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